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Malifaux 2E – Scheme & Strategy Deck

Elder Sign: Gates of Arkham Expansion Unboxing

Forsaken Lore Unboxing

Forsaken Lore, an expansion for Eldritch Horror, thrusts investigators headlong into perilous and strange new encounters, while Ancient Ones defeated in the past attempt to reclaim the world. In order to stop them, investigators will need to uncover new mysteries, and dig even deeper into the lore surrounding each of the game’s Ancient Ones with the help of new Research cards.

Meanwhile, Yig’s cultists and Serpent People work to prepare the way for the Father of Serpents to dominate our planet. With the help of powerful new Spells and Assets, along with mighty new Artifacts, Investigators must once again race across the globe in order to prevent humanity’s destruction in Forsaken Lore.

Malifaux Arcane Fate Deck – Silver

Malifaux 2E: Seamus Crew

Malifaux 2E: McMourning Crew

Malifaux Retro Fate Deck

Cheap Plastic Box Storage (about 450 LCG sleeved cards)

I bought it for $2,50 from a dollar store, I will post link if I find it online. All FFG sleeves for their card games fit perfect too. It has hard PVC cover.

Box 4 Box 3 Box 2 Box 1










/ Shot with iPhone /

Millennium Falcon & E-Wing

Slave I